Discover Moorestown Mall
Code of conduct
This Code of Conduct is a set of general guidelines for behavior; they are not intended to apply to each and every possible act within the mall. We reserve the right to determine the appropriate manner in which all visitors are to behave. All organized activities require review and approval by management/ownership.
Moorestown Mall, including its parking lot, is private property. The following Code of Conduct is set forth for the purpose of protecting legitimate business interests of Moorestown Mall. Any violation of the code interferes with the commercial nature and function of Moorestown Mall. If any guest of Moorestown Mall should refuse to follow this Code of Conduct, the guest will be asked to leave the property. Should any guest fail or refuse to leave the property, he or she may be subject to arrest.
1. Moorestown Mall is open for the purpose of shopping. Appropriate shopping behavior is required at all times.
2. Unauthorized solicitation is not permitted under any circumstance, which includes but is not limited to:
• Selling or attempting to sell goods or services
• Asking for money or donations
• Distributing flyers or promotional materials
• Gathering signatures for petitions
• Recruiting for organizations or causes
• Approaching others for any commercial, political, or charitable purpose without prior written authorization from management
3. The following are not permitted under any circumstance at the shopping center:
• Fighting/"Horseplay"
• Harassment
• Offensive language
• Shouting
• Loud noise
• Loitering
• Littering
• Any other disturbance which disrupts or endangers any patron, guest, merchant, or employee
4. Mall management has the right to prohibit groups of four or more individuals to congregate or walk the interior or exterior of the mall unless the group has appropriate adult supervision.
5. Running, skating, and skateboarding are not permitted on mall property. Bicycles must be parked in designated bicycle racks and are prohibited on sidewalks. Skateboards, bicycles, and scooters of any type are not permitted inside the mall.
6. Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes, is required. Clothing with inappropriate words, phrases or graphics or excessive skin exposure is not permitted and is subject to mall management approval. We do not allow clothing which may be viewed inappropriate in a family environment.
7. Deliberately obscuring the face is prohibited except attire worn in accord with religious practice, tradition or significance.
8. Damaging any surface or portion of the shopping center is strictly prohibited. Sitting on any surface of the mall other than chairs and benches is prohibited. Food court tables and chairs are provided for the purpose of eating meals purchased at the food court.
9. Service animals, trained to assist persons with disabilities, are permitted within the property.
10. The carrying of any weapon, other than by an authorized law enforcement or security officer, is not permitted.
11. Vehicles that are inappropriately parked are subject to towing at the expense of the owner. Overnight parking is prohibited.
12. Alcoholic beverages and their consumption are permitted in licensed establishments only.
13. Smoking and vaping including nicotine, CBD, marijuana/cannabis is prohibited.
14. Obstructing access of store entrances, mall entrances, corridors and any parking area is prohibited.
15. Unless otherwise authorized emergency exits are to be used for emergencies only.
16. Only personal sized electronics with earpieces/headphones are permitted to be utilized on mall property.
If you see something that violates this Code of Conduct, please contact Security at 856-498-5157.
Moorestown Mall reserves the right to amend this Code of Conduct at any time.